
Before installing MatchPoint Snow, there are some configurations and modifications to the base setup of SharePoint and MatchPoint that need to be executed. The following sections of this chapter provide information on these necessary steps.

MatchPoint Snow does work well in multi-language environments (English language SharePoint with MUI). However, MatchPoint Snow requires the base SharePoint installation to be in English language.

Supported browsers

Currently, the following browsers are supported by MatchPoint Snow:

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Google Chrome (latest release version)
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest release version)
  • Apple Safari (latest release version)

Installation of Microsoft SharePoint

A best practice installation of SharePoint 2019 is considered a prerequisite for both the installation of MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow. Please refer to the SharePoint documentation for all questions regarding architecture, setup and configuration of a SharePoint environment according to Microsoft best practices.

We recommend an automated installation process for setup and initial configuration of SharePoint, i.e. by using AutoSPInstaller.

The MatchPoint installation package contains a set of configuration files for the automated installation of a single-node installation of SharePoint with AutoSPInstaller. These files install and configure the SharePoint farm, including all required web applications and service applications. The scripts can be updated for different installation scenarios.
The installation scripts are located at: ..\2_Installation\1_SharePoint\AutoSPInstaller

The following sub-sections provide information on the specific requirements that need to be implemented on the SharePoint environment in order for MatchPoint Snow to run correctly.

Self-Service Site Creation and Managed Path Configuration

MatchPoint Snow uses functionality of MatchPoint workspace in order to create collaboration sites (project-, team- and community sites). These workspaces are created as site collections, which requires self-service site creation to be enabled on the web application that hosts MatchPoint Snow. Moreover, it is important, that these sites and site collections are created using the English language templates.

Navigate to

  • Central Administration
  • Application Management
  • Manage web applications
  • (Select your web application)
  • Self-Service Site Creation

For more information, please refer to TechNet, Define Managed Paths

The MatchPoint Snow workspace site collections are created beneath a managed path that has to be configured on the web application.

Navigate to

  • Central Administration
  • Application Management
  • Manage web applications
  • (Select your web application)
  • Managed Paths

For more information, please refer to TechNet, Turn on or turn off self-service site creation

My Site and User Profile Service Application

MatchPoint Snow stores user-specific information (i.e. profile properties and timeline entries) within the SharePoint user profile service application and within the user's My Site. Therefore, both components need to be installed and configured.

The My Site host must be created using English templates. Other than this, no specific configurations are required regarding MatchPoint Snow. It is assumed, however, that the My Site host is created and configured according to Microsoft best practices. For information on how to setup the My Site, please refer to the following sources:

If the My Site host is located on a different Web Application than MatchPoint Snow, the App Pool user of MatchPoint Snow needs permissions on the My Site Web Application:

$mySiteWebApp = Get-SPWebApplication http://mySiteWebApp
$mySiteWebApp.GrantAccessToProcessIdentity ("<snowWebAppAppPoolUserLoginName>")

For the user profile service application, the following aspects have to be configured correctly:

  • A managed path for new user profile sites has been configured
  • The naming format for new user sites has been specified
  • The SP services "User Profile Service" and "User Profile Synchronization Service" are started
  • A synchronization connection has been configured and tested
  • A full profile synchronization has been successfully executed

The user profile service application and the corresponding services are configured on the SharePoint 2019 Central administration site:

  • Application Management
  • Manage service applications
  • [User Profile Service Application]

MatchPoint Snow uses two custom properties within the user profile service application. Please configure the following custom user properties:

Property Name Property Value
Name MP-SkipWelcomeScreen
Type Boolean
Allow Users to edit values for this property
Show on the edit details page
Search Setting -
Property Name Property Value
Name MP-FavoriteAppIds
Type String (multi-value)
Allow Users to edit values for this property
Show on the edit details page -
Search Setting -
Property Name Property Value
Name MP-FavoriteContentSubjectTags
Type String (multi-value)
Allow Users to edit values for this property
Show on the edit details page -
Search Setting -

Run following CmdLet to add the properties:

Once the user profile service application has been configured and a profile synchronization was executed, it is recommended to execute a crawl on the search service application. Please specifically ensure that the search service application "content access" account has permissions on the service application.

For using different languages, SharePoint Server Language Packs have to be installed on the server and activated on the base site collection afterwards.

Configure Outgoing Mail

MatchPoint Snow offers a functionality to send feedback mails. In order for this to work, the "Outgoing E-Mail Settings" in SharePoint need to be configured.

Mobile View

As of version 1.0.2 MatchPoint Snow provides a responsive masterpage which works for desktops as well as for mobile devices. Hence the normal SharePoint mobile view is not required.

It can be disabled on web application scope by editing either the web.config or globally by editing the compat.browser file. In case it needs to be disabled on specific sites only the feature "Mobile Browser View" can be deactivated. Please note however that this also needs to be done all (future) workspaces, etc.

CYCL recommends disabling this on web application scope. To do so, following code needs to be added to the system.web section of the web.config of the web application running MatchPoint Snow:

  <result type="System.Web.Mobile.MobileCapabilities,
                System.Web.Mobile, Version=,
                Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>

Installation of CYCL MatchPoint

The installation of MatchPoint does not require specific steps in order to use MatchPoint Snow. Therefore, please refer to the MatchPoint installation guide document for more information.

Each version of MatchPoint Snow corresponds to a specific version of MatchPoint. Please ensure that you use the MatchPoint version shipped together with MatchPoint Snow:
MatchPoint Snow version 2019.3.5 corresponds to MatchPoint version 2019.3.5.

Please make sure the following aspects are implemented:

  • The MatchPoint license key is specified. A license key can be requested from the configuration file LicenseConfiguration.xml or from the following address
  • A Tagging Service Application has been created.
  • The MatchPoint instance administration site collection has been created.
  • It is strongly recommended to install and configure the MatchPoint Content Enrichment Web Service to ensure, that all native refiners on tags work as expected.

An installation scripts for installing and configuring MatchPoint is located at: ..\2_Installation\2_MatchPoint\ Install.ps1

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