MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow Releases

Date: 19. Jul 2016

On Monday new versions of MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow have been released. This includes MatchPoint 4.0.12 and MatchPoint Snow 1.0.10 for SharePoint 2013, as well as initial MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow releases for SharePoint 2016: MatchPoint 5.0.0 and MatchPoint Snow 2.0.0.

SharePoint 2016

MatchPoint 5.0.0

MatchPoint 5.0.0 is the first MatchPoint release for SharePoint 2016. It is released with the same feature set as MatchPoint 4.0.12, but includes some API Changes. API changes are listed in the general documentation and are also documented in the API documentation. The following most mentionable changes are included:

  • Support for Fast Site Provisioning in workspace provisioning
  • Upgrade to jQuery 2.2.4
  • Removal of Colygon.MatchPoint.Server.wsp solution and integration in Colygon.MatchPoint.wsp solution

For an upgrade path from MatchPoint 4.0 / SharePoint 2013 to MatchPoint 5.0 / SharePoint 2016, please refer to the upgrade documentation or to the installation documentation accordingly.

MatchPoint Snow 2.0.0

This is the first MatchPoint Snow release for SharePoint 2016 based on MatchPoint 5.0.0. It is released with the same feature set as MatchPoint Snow 1.0.10, but includes some API Changes. API changes are listed in the general documentation.

For an upgrade path from MatchPoint Snow 1.0 / SharePoint 2013 to MatchPoint Snow 2.0 / SharePoint 2016, please refer to the Upgrade documentation or to the installation documentation accordingly.

SharePoint 2013

MatchPoint 4.0.12

MatchPoint 4.0.12 is the new MatchPoint release for SharePoint 2013. The following most mentionable changes are included:

  • Introduced DatabaseActions (within ModelConfiguration) and ModelActionProvider
  • Introduced new ExpressionDataAdapter
  • Display URL of list item in read-only field in callout (ready for copy and paste)

MatchPoint Snow 1.0.10

MatchPoint Snow 1.0.10 is the new Snow release for SharePoint 2013, based on MatchPoint 4.0.12. The following most mentionable changes are included:

  • Added a folder selector in the create document dialog
  • New Workspace file import functionality
  • Workspace shared folder on network drive

A more detailed description of the new features will follow. For a complete list of all changes please refer to the release notes document.

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