MatchPoint Snow 1.0.6 Released

Date: 18. Jun 2015

Yesterday new versions of MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow have been released. This blog post offers an overview of the key features and fixes introduced with MatchPoint Snow 1.0.6. To find more information on the new release of MatchPoint, please refer to the corresponding blog post.

Support of external Apps

Besides Snowflakes MatchPoint Snow now provides a new way of integrating external websites. This functionality is unified under the term 'Apps'.

Apps in TopNavigation
Figure 1: Apps in TopNavigation

The Apps node in the top navigation displays the favorite apps and snowflakes of the logged in user. A click on the Apps node or the "More apps..." node takes the user to an overview page of all existing apps. The user can choose his favorites and thereby personalize his navigation within MatchPoint Snow.

Apps can be managed by app administrators specified in the MachPoint Snow Configuration in a newly introduced configuration node called App Settings. App administrators are provided with contextual actions in the right section of the app overview page:

Contextual Actions to manage Apps (visible only to App Administrators)
Figure 2: Contextual Actions to manage Apps (visible only to App Administrators)

Page Size Controls

MatchPoint Snow now allows users to specify a page size on all landing pages to simplify and speed up user navigation through the content.

The new Paging Controls in Snow
Figure 3: The new Paging Controls in Snow

List of People that like an item

The new version of MatchPoint Snow comes with a feature allowing users to see who liked an item. The callout is displayed when a user hovers over the "like" / "unlike" link below the corresponding post.

Callout showing people who like an item
Figure 4: Callout showing people who like an item

Delete timeline posts

It is now possible to delete own timeline posts and to hide inconsequential posts from the own timeline.

Figure 5: Jim

Access Request handling in workspaces

With MatchPoint Snow 1.0.6 it gets easier for workspace owners to see who requested access to their workspace and to approve or decline these requests. The new version adds two new tabs to the manage participants page, visible only to workspace owners.

The new Access Request board in a MatchPoint Snow workspace
Figure 6: The new Access Request board in a MatchPoint Snow workspace

Note, that the 'Access Requests' tab becomes visible with the first access request to the workspace and is hidden otherwise.

The user requesting access is doing so using the SharePoint out of the box Access Denied page.

Configurable Welcome Dialog and Landing Pages

A frequently requested feature was the ability to customize the Welcome Dialog and to add or remove tabs from the Landing Pages. This is now possible by simply adjusting configurations.

Welcome Dialog

The Welcome Dialog can be adjusted in the MatchPoint Snow Configuration in the section "WelcomeScreen". Almost everything can be configured, e.g. it's possible to specify whether users can change the language, can disable the welcome screen or which action tiles are displayed.

Welcome Dialog as part of the MatchPoint Snow Configuration
Figure 7: Welcome Dialog as part of the MatchPoint Snow Configuration

Landing Pages

Snow's landing pages can now be configured using 'Tabbed View Configurations'. All involved config files start with: 'MP.Snow.TabbedView.*'.

Amongst others the following configuration options are available:

  • Available tabs
  • Tab order
  • Default tab
  • Visibility expression (per tab)
  • WebParts to be displayed (per tab)

Stay notified for specific search queries

Sometimes keeping track of new information is hard. SharePoint provides a handy yet simple solution for this problem by allowing users to subscribe to a specific search query. The user is then periodically informed about new items matching their search query.

This feature is now available from MatchPoint Snow's Advanced Search.

Notify About Search Results
Figure 8: Notify About Search Results

Additional Changes

  • Improved icon handling, in particular, to unify icons on landing pages and in the search
  • Touch devices are provided with a "switch to desktop version" on all pages and not only on the user's profile
  • Several bug fixes

A complete list of all changes can be found in the release notes document.

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