Managing Apps In MatchPoint Snow

Date: 05. Apr 2016

The Apps concept was introduced back in MatchPoint Snow 1.0.6. The respective release notes provide a basic overview of this new functionality.

Apps Menu Basics

The Apps menu in the top navigation is based on the list MatchPoint Snow Apps from where the individual menu items are being loaded. These menu entries can be grouped using the taxonomy created in the MatchPoint Snow App Groups list.

App Lists
Figure 1: App Lists

MatchPoint Snow App Groups List

As mentioned before, the MatchPoint Snow App Groups list provides the possibility to group individual Apps entries (e.g. Snowflakes, Apps, Links, etc.) for refinement purposes on the Apps page.

MatchPoint Snow Apps List

This list contains

  • App menu entries for Snowflakes:

    When a Snowflake configuration is saved, a list item is automatically created in the MatchPoint Snow Apps list (which therefore ensures that the Snowflake appears in the Apps menu).

  • App menu entries for other resources (e.g. links to external URLs), can be added to the MatchPoint Snow Apps list using the App Management contextual action:

    Contextual Actions to manage Apps (visible only to App Administrators)
    Figure 2: Contextual Actions to manage Apps (visible only to App Administrators)


To grant access to the App Management contextual actions, the Contribute Permission must be set on both lists (MatchPoint Snow Apps and MatchPoint Snow App Groups) for the respective users. Without these permissions, users will not see these contextual actions.

Also, by breaking the permission inheritance on both Apps lists, more granular permission settings can be achieved.

By default, ten top navigation apps, based on the list MatchPoint Snow Apps, are being shown. The number of App menu entries can be specified in the AppSettings, NumberOfFavoritesInTopNavigation field of the MatchPoint Snow configuration.

AppSettings in MatchPointSnowConfiguration.xml
Figure 3: AppSettings in MatchPointSnowConfiguration.xml

If a user specifies favorite apps, only the selected favorite apps appear in the menu, up to the specified maximum number of entries in the configuration.

Apps menu in top navigation
Figure 4: Apps menu in top navigation

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