User Controls
MatchPoint Snow uses a number of user controls that are rendered within the MatchPoint web parts (see Configuration Files). These user controls are either referenced directly within a User Control web part, or they are referenced and rendered dynamically within an expression (i.e. within a Composite web part).
The following sections describe the user controls deployed with MatchPoint Snow.
User Controls on Landing Pages
The following sub-sections describe the user controls referenced on the MatchPoint Snow landing pages.
Timeline Landing Page
The following user controls are referenced within the Timeline landing pages.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Timeline.Activity.ascx | Allows like/follow/reply a post on the timeline. |
MPSnow.Timeline.AddPost.ascx | Allows adding a post to the timeline. |
MPSnow.Timeline.FeedItem.ascx | Renders a single item within the timeline feed. |
MPSnow.Timeline.Middle.ascx | Renders the views for the timeline landing page. |
MPSnow.Timeline.OverviewList.ascx | Renders content aggregated from the my site. |
MPSnow.Timeline.OverviewSearch.ascx | Renders content aggregated from SP Search. |
MPSnow.Timeline.Refinement.ascx | Renders the 'correct' refinement control. |
Workspaces Landing Page
The following user controls are referenced within the Workspaces landing pages.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Workspace.FeedItem.ascx | Renders a single workspace item. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Overview.ascx | Renders the aggregated workspace elements. |
MPSnow.Workspaces.Middle.ascx | Renders views for the workspaces landing page. |
MPSnow.Workspaces.Refinement.ascx | Renders the 'correct' refinement control. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Header.ascx | Renders detail information for a workspace. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Events.ascx | Renders events. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Tasks.ascx | Renders tasks. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Documents.ascx | Renders documents. |
Content Landing Page
The following user controls are referenced within the Content landing pages.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Content.Middle.ascx | Renders views for the content landing page. |
MPSnow.Content.Overview.ascx | Renders the content elements. |
MPSnow.Content.OverviewFollowed.ascx | Renders the 'followed' content elements. |
MPSnow.Content.Refinement.ascx | Renders the 'correct' refinement control. |
People Landing Page
The following user controls are referenced within the People landing pages.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.People.Middle.ascx | Renders views for the people landing page. |
MPSnow.People.Overview.ascx | Renders the aggregated user objects. |
MPSnow.People.Detail.Header.ascx | Displays detail information in a callout. |
MPSnow.People.Detail.Workspaces.ascx | Displays detail information on workspaces. |
MPSnow.People.Detail.Documents.ascx | Displays detail information on documents. |
Reports Landing Page
The following user controls are referenced within the Reports landing pages.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Reports.Overview.ascx | Renders the available report pages. |
MPSnow.Reports.Refinement.ascx | Allows refining the avaliable reports. |
User Controls within Workspaces
The following user controls are referenced on the workspace sites.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Workspace.AddPost.ascx | Allows adding a post to the workspace feed. |
MPSnow.Workspace.BusinessTopics.ascx | Renders the applied business topic tags. |
MPSnow.Workspace.EditorLoader.ascx | Renders the 'correct' workspace editor web part. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Introduction.ascx | Renders basic information on the workspace. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Members.Overview.ascx | Renders the members of the workspace. |
MPSnow.Workspace.SelfSubscription.ascx | Allows subscribing to a community workspace. |
MPSnow.Workspaces.LogoUpload.ascx | Allows uploading a workspace logo. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Role.ascx | Renders the workspace roles. |
Various Control
The following sub-sections describe user controls used throughout MatchPoint Snow.
Generic Controls
The following user controls are used within other user controls.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Controls.FeedItem.ascx | Template pattern for rendering feed items. |
MPSnow.Controls.FeedItemContent.ascx | Renders the content of a feed item. |
MPSnow.Controls.FeedItemHeader.ascx | Renders the header of a feed item. |
MPSnow.Controls.RectangularImage.ascx | Renders a rectangular image. |
MPSnow.Text.Views.ascx | Renders tabs within a 'middle' user control. |
MPSnow.User.Link.ascx | Renders a user item. |
Social Functionality
The following user controls provide access to SharePoint's social functionality.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Social.Comment.ascx | Allows commenting on content. |
MPSnow.Social.Follow.ascx | Allows following content. |
MPSnow.Social.Like.ascx | Allows liking content. |
MPSnow.Social.Recommend.ascx | Allows recommending content. |
Contextual Actions
The following user controls are referenced within the contextual actions.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Workspace.Selector.ascx | Allows selecting a workspace. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Type.Picker | Allows selecting a workspace type. |
MPSnow.Workspace.Picker.ascx | Allows selecting a workspace. |
MPSnow.Controls.ContextualActions.ascx | Renders the contextual actions within landing pages and workspaces. |
MPSnow.Document.Uploader.ascx | Allows uploading a document to a workspace |
MPSnow.Document.Template.Selector.ascx | Allows selecting a document template when creating a new document. |
MPSnow.Profile.Introduction.ascx | Renders generic user information. |
MPSnow.Profile.Navigation.ascx | Renders user information from the user profile store. |
MPSnow.RightSection.Today.ascx | Renders the items assigned to the current user. |
MPSnow.Search.Result.ascx | Renders search results on the search page. |
MPSnow.User.Welcome.ascx | Renders the MatchPoint Snow welcome screen. |
User Profile
The following user controls aggregate information on the user's profile page.
User Control | Description |
MPSnow.Profile.Issues.ascx | Renders the user's issues. |
MPSnow.Profile.Tasks.ascx | Renders the user's tasks. |
MPSnow.Profile.Documents.ascx | Renders the user's documents. |
MPSnow.Profile.Workspaces.ascx | Renders the user's workspaces. |