Upgrade MatchPoint Snow 1.0.x to 2.0

The migration process of MatchPoint version 1.0.x to MatchPoint version 2.0 follows the migration path from SharePoint 2013 to SharePoint 2016 as specified by Microsoft.

The migration process for upgrades from MatchPoint Snow 1.0.x versions to MatchPoint Snow 2.0 requires following steps:

  1. Update to the latest 1.0.x MatchPoint Snow version (including the latest MatchPoint 4.0.x) on the SharePoint 2013 environment.
  2. Execute the Pre-Upgrade powershell script to remove features that are no longer available in MatchPoint 5. Note, that this causes errors on the SharePoint 2013 installation!

  3. Put the SharePoint 2013 farm and the databases into read-only mode and back up the content and the service application databases.
  4. Install SharePoint 2016.
  5. Restore a copy of the SharePoint 2013 databases to the SQL Server instance on the SharePoint Server 2016 farm and set the databases to read-write.
  6. Configure / create / upgrade the same service applications you had on SharePoint 2013 on SharePoint 2016.
  7. Create a web application for each web application that existed in the SharePoint 2013 environment.
  8. Install MatchPoint version 5.0 by adding and deploying the required MatchPoint solutions package files:
    • Microsoft.Deployment.Compression.wsp
    • Newtonsoft.Json.wsp
    • Colygon.MatchPoint.wsp
    • Colygon.MatchPoint.TaggingService.wsp
    • Optional: Colygon.MatchPoint.Samples.wsp (if it was deployed on SharePoint 2013)
    • Optional: Colygon.MatchPoint.Solutions.wsp (if it was deployed on SharePoint 2013)
  9. Optional: Install & configure MatchPoint Content Enrichment Web Service
  10. Add & deploy MatchPoint Snow solutions:
    • Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.wsp
    • Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.MetaData.wsp
  11. Restart the SharePoint timer service
    • restart-service sptimerv4
  12. Attach & upgrade the SharePoint 2013 content Databases (Mount-SPContentDatabase Cmdlet)
    • Note: Use the paramter SkipSiteUpgrade so the sites are not upgarded directly!
  13. Activate the following features on the web applications:
    • Colygon.MatchPoint.Core.Infrastructure
    • Colygon.MatchPoint.Tagging.Inheritance
  14. Upgrade all sites to SharePoint 2016. For example by using: Get-SPSite -Limit All | Upgrade-SPSite -VersionUpgrade –Unthrottled
  15. Reactivate the Colygon.MatchPoint.Core.Administration feature on the MatchPoint Instance site collection. (Enable-SPFeature -Identity cde85a0c-4b3d-4ac8-b9db-4c805ca7358d -Url <url> -Force)
  16. Install and activate MatchPoint Tagging service farm feature:
    • Install-SPFeature –Path Colygon.MatchPoint.Tagging.Service
    • Enable-SPFeature -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.Tagging.Service
  17. Create Tagging Service Applications:
    • Attach the SharePoint 2013 Tagging Service database to MS SQL server.
    • Create a new Tagging Service Application in SharePoint 2016 Central Administration.
    • Specify the database name of the attached database in the "Database" section of the "Create new MatchPoint Tagging Service Application" dialog.
    • Repeat this step for every Tagging Service Application.
  18. Install managed properties by using:
    • Add-MPManagedProperties
    • Add-MPSManagedProperties
    • Optional: Add-MPContentEnrichmentManagedProperties
  19. Install user properties by using:
    • Add-MPSUserProperties
  20. Run the Update-MPSBase cmdlet to reactivate the "Snow"- and the "Configuration"-feature
  21. Start a full crawl in the Search Service Application.
  22. Upgrade custom code that uses the MatchPoint or MatchPoint Snow API. The custom code needs to be compiled against the MatchPoint 5.0 and MatchPoint Snow 2.0 DLL files.

Cleanup Steps:

  • Remove the ListItemEventHandler configuration referencing the WorkflowListEventHandler version 4.0 and add a ListItemEventHandler configuration referencing the WorkflowListEventHandler version 5.0.

Please note that the same authentication mode must be used for the new web application. If this is not the case all user associations might be lost including site collection administrators and unexpected behavior might occur.

Upgrade MatchPoint Solutions

The MatchPoint solutions can be updated either automatically using the MatchPoint installer executable, or by using the standard SharePoint solution deployment mechanisms. If you are using the MatchPoint installer, choose "Upgrade" (after System Check succeeded).

Update-SPSolution -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.wsp
                  -LiteralPath C:\Colygon.MatchPoint.wsp

Update-SPSolution -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.TaggingService.wsp
                  -LiteralPath C:\Colygon.MatchPoint.Tagging.Service.wsp

Upgrade MatchPoint Snow Solutions

The MatchPoint Snow solutions can be updated using the standard SharePoint solution deployment mechanisms.

Update-SPSolution -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.wsp
                  -LiteralPath C:\Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.wsp

Update-SPSolution -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.MetaData.wsp
                  -LiteralPath C:\Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.MetaData.wsp

After the solutions have been upgraded, restart the IIS and the SharePoint TimerJob Service and every frontend server. Also, you need to reschedule the MatchPoint timer jobs:

Reschedule-MPTimerJobs -WebApplication <SPWebApplicationPipeBind>

Restart Tagging Service Instances

Open Central Administration. In Application Management -> Manage Services on Server, stop and start running Tagging Service on all servers.

Reactivate the instance administration feature

If MatchPoint was upgraded using the installer, this step can be skipped since it was already done by the installer.

Open a new PowerShell console – a previously used PowerShell console might use an application domain that has not loaded the upgraded MatchPoint assembly.

Execute the following PowerShell command for every MatchPoint instance site collection:

Enable-SPFeature -Url "<instance site url>" -Force -Identity

Upgrading Custom Code

If custom code is deployed that uses interfaces of the MatchPoint API, it is required to recompile the code against the MatchPoint 5.0 and MatchPoint Snow 2.0 assemblies. Any custom assemblies should be re-deployed to the environment after the migration has been executed. Note that it might be necessary to restart the "SharePoint 2016 Timer" service and to recycle the application pool of any web applications using MatchPoint functionality.

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