User Controls

MatchPoint Snow uses a number of user controls that are rendered within the MatchPoint web parts (see Configuration Files). These user controls are either referenced directly within a User Control web part, or they are referenced and rendered dynamically within an expression (i.e. within a Composite web part).

The following sections describe the user controls deployed with MatchPoint Snow.

User Controls on Landing Pages

The following sub-sections describe the user controls referenced on the MatchPoint Snow landing pages.

Timeline Landing Page

The following user controls are referenced within the Timeline landing pages.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Timeline.Activity.ascx Allows like/follow/reply a post on the timeline.
MPSnow.Timeline.AddPost.ascx Allows adding a post to the timeline.
MPSnow.Timeline.FeedItem.ascx Renders a single item within the timeline feed.
MPSnow.Timeline.Middle.ascx Renders the views for the timeline landing page.
MPSnow.Timeline.OverviewList.ascx Renders content aggregated from the my site.
MPSnow.Timeline.OverviewSearch.ascx Renders content aggregated from SP Search.
MPSnow.Timeline.Refinement.ascx Renders the 'correct' refinement control.

Workspaces Landing Page

The following user controls are referenced within the Workspaces landing pages.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Workspace.FeedItem.ascx Renders a single workspace item.
MPSnow.Workspace.Overview.ascx Renders the aggregated workspace elements.
MPSnow.Workspaces.Middle.ascx Renders views for the workspaces landing page.
MPSnow.Workspaces.Refinement.ascx Renders the 'correct' refinement control.
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Header.ascx Renders detail information for a workspace.
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Events.ascx Renders events.
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Tasks.ascx Renders tasks.
MPSnow.Workspace.Detail.Documents.ascx Renders documents.

Content Landing Page

The following user controls are referenced within the Content landing pages.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Content.Middle.ascx Renders views for the content landing page.
MPSnow.Content.Overview.ascx Renders the content elements.
MPSnow.Content.OverviewFollowed.ascx Renders the 'followed' content elements.
MPSnow.Content.Refinement.ascx Renders the 'correct' refinement control.

People Landing Page

The following user controls are referenced within the People landing pages.

User Control Description
MPSnow.People.Middle.ascx Renders views for the people landing page.
MPSnow.People.Overview.ascx Renders the aggregated user objects.
MPSnow.People.Detail.Header.ascx Displays detail information in a callout.
MPSnow.People.Detail.Workspaces.ascx Displays detail information on workspaces.
MPSnow.People.Detail.Documents.ascx Displays detail information on documents.

Reports Landing Page

The following user controls are referenced within the Reports landing pages.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Reports.Overview.ascx Renders the available report pages.
MPSnow.Reports.Refinement.ascx Allows refining the avaliable reports.

User Controls within Workspaces

The following user controls are referenced on the workspace sites.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Workspace.AddPost.ascx Allows adding a post to the workspace feed.
MPSnow.Workspace.BusinessTopics.ascx Renders the applied business topic tags.
MPSnow.Workspace.EditorLoader.ascx Renders the 'correct' workspace editor web part.
MPSnow.Workspace.Introduction.ascx Renders basic information on the workspace.
MPSnow.Workspace.Members.Overview.ascx Renders the members of the workspace.
MPSnow.Workspace.SelfSubscription.ascx Allows subscribing to a community workspace.
MPSnow.Workspaces.LogoUpload.ascx Allows uploading a workspace logo.
MPSnow.Workspace.Role.ascx Renders the workspace roles.

Various Control

The following sub-sections describe user controls used throughout MatchPoint Snow.

Generic Controls

The following user controls are used within other user controls.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Controls.FeedItem.ascx Template pattern for rendering feed items.
MPSnow.Controls.FeedItemContent.ascx Renders the content of a feed item.
MPSnow.Controls.FeedItemHeader.ascx Renders the header of a feed item.
MPSnow.Controls.RectangularImage.ascx Renders a rectangular image.
MPSnow.Text.Views.ascx Renders tabs within a 'middle' user control.
MPSnow.User.Link.ascx Renders a user item.

Social Functionality

The following user controls provide access to SharePoint's social functionality.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Social.Comment.ascx Allows commenting on content.
MPSnow.Social.Follow.ascx Allows following content.
MPSnow.Social.Like.ascx Allows liking content.
MPSnow.Social.Recommend.ascx Allows recommending content.

Contextual Actions

The following user controls are referenced within the contextual actions.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Workspace.Selector.ascx Allows selecting a workspace.
MPSnow.Workspace.Type.Picker Allows selecting a workspace type.
MPSnow.Workspace.Picker.ascx Allows selecting a workspace.
MPSnow.Controls.ContextualActions.ascx Renders the contextual actions within landing pages and workspaces.
MPSnow.Document.Uploader.ascx Allows uploading a document to a workspace
MPSnow.Document.Template.Selector.ascx Allows selecting a document template when creating a new document.
MPSnow.Profile.Introduction.ascx Renders generic user information.
MPSnow.Profile.Navigation.ascx Renders user information from the user profile store.
MPSnow.RightSection.Today.ascx Renders the items assigned to the current user.
MPSnow.Search.Result.ascx Renders search results on the search page.
MPSnow.User.Welcome.ascx Renders the MatchPoint Snow welcome screen.

User Profile

The following user controls aggregate information on the user's profile page.

User Control Description
MPSnow.Profile.Issues.ascx Renders the user's issues.
MPSnow.Profile.Tasks.ascx Renders the user's tasks.
MPSnow.Profile.Documents.ascx Renders the user's documents.
MPSnow.Profile.Workspaces.ascx Renders the user's workspaces.

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