Installing MatchPoint Snow Hybrid

Once SharePoint and MatchPoint are configured correctly to support Hybrid scenario, MatchPoint Snow Hybrid can be deployed to the environment. The installation requires 2 steps to be executed on the environment:

  • Deploy the MatchPoint Snow Hybrid solution
  • Enable the MatchPoint Snow Hybrid features

The following sections of this chapter provide information on exactly these steps.

Add and Deploy the MatchPoint Snow Hybrid Solutions

MatchPoint Snow Hybrid is deployed to a web application using the standard SharePoint deployment process, by adding solution to the farm solution store and by deploying the solution to the web application that hosts MatchPoint Snow.

Please deploy the solution using the following commands from the SharePoint 2016 Management Shell:

  • Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.wsp: contains all functionality required by MatchPoint Snow Hybrid.
    Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath C:\SnowInstall\Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.wsp
    Install-SPSolution -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.wsp

Enable MatchPoint Snow Hybrid Features

Once the solution is deployed the following feature need to be enabled on the "Admin site":

  • Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.Configurations: adds the MatchPoint Snow Hybrid configuration files to the MatchPoint instance administration site.
    Enable-SPFeature -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.Configurations -Url <AdminSite>

Optionally you can enable the following feature on the "Snow Site":

  • Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.WorkspaceAggregation: changes the way workspaces and content are aggregated to Search based manner and adjust it.
    Enable-SPFeature -Identity Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Hybrid.WorkspaceAggregation -Url <SnowSite>

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