Refinement WebPart

The Refinement Web Part displays metadata (tags, terms or SharePoint properties) based on the items displayed in another Web Part. Metadata properties are organized in a tree view and can be selected to refine the original search result. Just like the Search Definition Web Part, it generates a search condition that can be included in the "source" Web Part within the data provider.

The Refinement Web Part can be configured to display an occurrence count for values.
If a SearchDataProvider is used for aggregating content, the occurrence count might display wrong values for managed properties that contain multiple mappings since every mapping contributes to the counted values.

Refinement Column Functionality
RefinementColumn Uses any standard property as a refinement column.
DateTimeRefinementColumn Uses DateTime properties for refinement.
ContentTypeRefinementColumn Uses the SharePoint content type for refinement.
TagRefinementColumn Uses MatchPoint tags for refinement.
TermRefinementColumn Uses SharePoint terms for refinement.
ModelLookupRefinementColumn Uses lookup values for a MatchPoint entity model configuration.

It is possible to implement custom refinement columns by extending the RefinementColumn class. For more information on how to implement a custom refinement column, please refer to the MatchPoint API Reference and to the code samples provided with every MatchPoint Release.

The Refinement Web Part's rendering behaviour cannot be adjusted. In case you would like to create a refinement web part using a custom HTML template, please check out the Composite Refinement Web Part.

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