Data Grid WebPart

The Data Grid Web Part can be used to display information in a grid view. The displayed data is aggregated by a data provider. This grid implements basic functionality like

  • paging
  • sorting and filtering (on columns)
  • grouping
  • support for views

Also, a Data Grid can be configured with selectable rows (single- or multi selection) that can be accessed from the MatchPoint connection framework. Within the grid, context menus can be displayed for the TitleColumn. This can be the standard context menus for the displayed content (e.g. the context menu for a SharePoint list item or custom actions for an BCS external content type), as well as custom context menus.

Important Configuration Parameters

  • The SelectionMode parameter can be used to specify whether users can select rows (single or multi selection) from the Data Grid. Selected rows can be accessed using the ConnectionData expression variable.
  • The PageSize parameter specifies whether paging should be enabled. A value of 0 will disable paging.
  • Grouping can be configured with the EnableGrouping property. The property DefaultCollapsed determines, whether groups should be collapsed per default. If grouping is used, the Data Grid will use the first configured column as the grouping column. Grouping can be specified either for the Data Grid or for each view within the grid.
  • The ShowExportCsvButton parameter can be used to specify whether users can export the contents of the current Data Grid view.
  • The LoadingMode parameter can be used to specify whether the Data Grid content should be loaded with the initial page load, after the page is rendered completely or on demand (e.g. by calling $$.InitControl("<Data Grid Name>") via java script )

Column Types

A grid can be configured with different BaseColumn elements, which determine what information is available within the Web Part. These column types are documented in detail within the following sub-sections:

Column Type



Displays the result of a MatchPoint expression.


Displays configurable HTML code, combined with values from the expression engine.


Displays date and time information with configurable format.


Displays the icon of the item.


Displays an image.


Displays a hyperlink with configurable title and target.


Displays a user including lync integration (presence, user image, etc.)


Displays any property that can be accessed on the current item.


Displays the title of result item. Supports context menus.


Displays MatchPoint tags that are on the current item.


Displays terms that are on the current item.


Displays lookup values from the MatchPoint entity model.
Column Types

All columns provide a CellCssClass parameter that can be used to specify a CSS class for the column.


The ViewConfiguration element allows configuring different views for a Data Grid. Within a view, all specified columns can be displayed. It is also possible to configure additional conditions for the data provider that will only be applied when the view is selected.

Within a view configuration, the ViewSortColumn configuration element allows specifying sorting for any of the configured columns.

An additional sorting mechanism is available on the data provider. Here, a SortColumn allows specifying a column that is used for sorting. Please note that this configuration element will include the sorting command directly within the query, whereas the ViewSortColumn configuration element will implement sorting on the view within the Data Grid.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""