

MatchPoint provides support for multi-language installations of SharePoint. The language detection follows the user-specific language settings of SharePoint for the display language. Therefore, the MatchPoint controls can display translations for any language pack that has been installed and configured on the farm.

Since MatchPoint's multi-language mechanism follows the SharePoint MUI settings, it is recommended to install and configure the SharePoint language packs for any language before MatchPoint is configured for MUI. For more information on how to install the MatchPoint MUI package, please refer to the MatchPoint Installation Guide.


To configure the MatchPoint controls (Web Parts etc.) for a multi-language environment, the MatchPoint MUI package has to be installed. It is currently available for the following languages:

  • German
  • French
  • Italian

When installed, the UI elements of MatchPoint will display any text information that is visible to end-users either in the language that is configured as the default language on the system or in the language the user has selected as his/her display language. Configuration elements that are only visible to administrators may only be available in English.

String Resources

If Web Parts are configured on a multi-language system, the custom configured elements (e.g. column titles in a Data Grid Web Part) should be able to display text information in different languages as well.

The StringResources expression variable can be used to access string resources configuration files that are stored within the configuration library on the Instance Administration site. A new string resources file can be created from the Manage MatchPoint Configurations page. The expression variable will automatically return the correct language version of a string, based on the configured settings.

In addition to the GetString() method, a string resources can also be accessed using a dynamic property extension like this:

Example String Resource Call



If a SharePoint farm is configured for multi-language support, it is likely that the tags of MatchPoint's metadata model should also provide display names for the different languages. The MatchPoint Tagging Service Application supports up to ten different languages that can be imported.

For more information on tags and tag importers, please refer to the Tagging chapter.

The tag importers can be configured so that a tag name is imported for each configured language:

For both importers, it is not necessary to configure an element for the default language since this value is specified within the Name property.

The default language of a Tagging Service Application is specified when the Tagging Service Application is created. Be aware that when changing the default language, the values of the Name property specified in the tag importers will become the translations of the new default language. So changing the default language will require changing the tag importer configurations.

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    No results matching ""