Chart WebPart

The Chart Web Part can display numerical information in graphical form. The displayed data is again aggregated by a data provider.

Within the configuration, various charts can be specified using a ChartSeries element. The parameter array ChartSeries allows to specify series for the chart using the ChartSeries type. The ChartType parameter specifies the kind of chart (e.g. Line, Bar, Pie etc.) that should be rendered.

The Chart Web Part can act as a data source within the MatchPoint connection framework. This means that the points of a series are selectable and the values of the X-axis and Y-axis can be accessed by another control. In order to enable the selection of the points any other control must configure an expression that accesses the Chart Web Part via the MatchPoint connection framework using ChartConnectionData, for example like this:

  • ConnectionData.ChartWebPart1.SelectedPoint.ValueX
  • ConnectionData.ChartWebPart1.SelectedPoint.ValueY

Where ChartWebPart1 is the name of the Chart Web Part.

In order to use the old ConnectionData format (i.e. where ValueX and ValueY is not encapsulated in a SelectedPoint), set LegacyConnectionDataMode to true. To make the chart's data source available to the ConnectionData, e.g. to make a chart refinable, this must be set to false.

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