Custom Web Parts

It is possible to implement a custom Web Part that makes use of MatchPoint functionality:

  • To implement a custom Web Part, the BaseWebPart class has to be extended. This is a generic class that takes the type of the configuration object as the type parameter. On the BaseWebPart class, the Configuration property provides access to the configuration object of the Web Part.
  • The configuration class has to implement the IWebPartConfiguration interface. This allows using the MatchPoint Configuration framework for configuring the custom Web Part.
  • A custom Web Part can also be implemented to support using the expression engine and the connection framework.

Please note that BaseWebPart<T> extends Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart, therefore all interfaces and methods for implementing a standard SharePoint Web Part can be used.
For more information refer to the code samples **** provided with every MatchPoint Release.

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