Business Connectivity

If a SharePoint environment is configured with SharePoint Business Connectivity Services, MatchPoint can access all external content types:

  • Within the Data Grid Web Part, a BdcDataProvider can be used to list external content types (using a "Read List" operation that has to be provided by the external content type). It is not necessary to create an external list within SharePoint.
  • Within a Form Web Part, a BdcDataAdapter is used to create, modify or delete items (using the "Create", "Update" and "Delete" actions that have to be provided by the external content type).
  • Within a Workspace Editor Web Part or a Form Web Part, a BdcChoiceProvider can be used to provide items within a choice field for user selection

Both the Form Web Part and the Data Grid Web Part will also automatically provide access to the actions that have been configured for the external content type.

The functionality for business data connectivity support is part of the feature Colygon.MatchPoint.Server, which can only be used within SharePoint Server environments. If the farm is based on SharePoint foundation, BDC functionality cannot be used. For more information, please refer to the document MatchPoint Installation Guide.

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