Credential Store

Sometimes, external data sources are accessed within MatchPoint configuration files. This can be SQL databases, but also different SharePoint sites or the active directory. These external data sources might require access with special credentials (i.e. when standard SharePoint users do not have access). In such scenarios, the external data source can be accessed using user credentials specified within the "CredentialStoreConfiguration" file. Credentials are specified by a "Credential" element, connection strings are specified by a "ConnectionString" element.

Passwords are stored encrypted within the configuration file. The master key for encrypting passwords is stored (encrypted) within the Windows registry of the SharePoint server. The master key can be specified using a PowerShell CmdLet. For information please refer to the Set Credential Store Master Key chapter.

The following MatchPoint elements can be configured with credentials from the credential store:

  • ListItemDataAdapter Class
  • ListDataProvider Class
  • DbDataProvider Class
  • DbChoiceProvider Class
  • SPListChoiceProvider Class
  • ModelConfiguration Class
  • DbDataSource Class
  • LdapDataSource Class

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