Snowflake Configuration

A MatchPoint Snowflake configuration file is the "root" for all other configurations used within a Snowflake. The following sections provide information on all relevant configuration elements. Note that since MatchPoint Snow itself is implemented as a Snowflake, the MatchPoint Snow configuration file uses the same structure.

Please note that only selected properties are described since additional information is available within the member description within the configuration editor.

Name Type Description
Name PatternString The name of the MatchPoint Snowflake. This is visible to the user since it is used as the name for the Snowflake tag name.
SiteCollectionUrl String The server relative URL of the site collection that hosts the current Snowflake.
ContextualActions BaseContextualAction[] The contextual actions that are defined on Snowflake-level.
TopNavigation NavigationNode[] The Nodes that are displayed within the top navigation of the current Snowflake.
WorkspaceTypes WorkspaceType[] The workspace types which are available within the current Snowflake.
StringResourcesConfigurationExpression ExpressionString An additional String Resources file which overrides the String Resources defined in MatchPoint Snow.

Workspace Type

The workspace type array can be found in MatchPointSnowConfiguration.xml, as well as within any MatchPoint Snowflake configuration file.

Name / Type Description

Specifies the provisioning configuration that is associated with this workspace type.

Please note: The selected provisioning configuration should use MPSnow.Workspaces.BaseProvisioning.xml as the BaseTemplate.


When choosing the "Create Workspace" action from the contextual actions in MatchPointSnow, the defined workspace creator web part will be displayed (after the user chooses the workspace type).

To use the default creator, please specify MPSnow.Workspace.DefaultCreator.xml


Each Workspace has a governance page. This page displays the editor configuration specified here.

To use the default editor, please specify MPSnow.Workspace.DefaultEditor.xml

This field defines users and groups that have the permissions to create workspaces of this type.
Specifies which roles will be available in the workspace. Contains role reference from snow or snowflake configuration and allows to create new roles with defined names, permissions, and default users.
Specifies which roles will be able to create new meetings.
Specifies to which role, user which creating current workspace, will be added.
This property allows defining which users will be added to which group as public readers during workspace creation.

Specifies Tags that are required in order for instances of this workspace type to be marked as complete.

If tags are defined and not yet assigned on the Workspace instance, a message will be displayed to the owner of the specific workspace.


If set to true, users that are in the Readers role can register/subscribe to this workspace. This means, they will become members of the Member role. Once they are members, they can unsubscribe from the workspace to become Readers again.

This setting can be used to get a "community-like" feeling where everybody can subscribe if he/she is interested.


Indicates whether this workspace type appears in the global workspace creation dialog (available from the welcome screen or the contextual actions on Snow level).

If set to false, then the MatchPoint Snowflake implementer needs to provide a link to the workspace creator.

Top Navigation

The top navigation can be defined within a MatchPoint Snowflake configuration. The Snowflakes-node is added automatically (if additional Snowflakes are specified besides MatchPoint Snow itself).

Name Type Description
Title PatternString The title displayed for this top navigation node.
TargetUrl PatternString

The location to which the user should be redirected on click. JavaScript can be specified by using the prefix "javascript:".

Please note that this is the only setting which is required. Everything else can be omitted when configuring a Top Navigation Node.

IconUrl PatternString This is the URL to the icon which is displayed when the link is inactive
ActiveIconUrl PatternString This is the URL to the icon which is displayed when the link is active.

Contextual Actions

Currently, there are six kinds of contextual actions defined in MatchPoint Snow:

  • DialogAction: Open content in a dialog
  • GenericWebPartPageAction: Open a MatchPoint Web Part configuration in a dialog
  • JavaScriptAction: Execute any JavaScript
  • LocationPickerAction: Execute a predefined action in a specific location (resp. Workspace) to be chosen by the user
  • PostbackAction: Raises a Postback event with the configured expression
  • RedirectAction: Redirect the browser to a defined url.

All contextual actions are executed as a JavaScript expression, within the onclick-event of an HTML element. Each action type has its own, specific properties. The following properties are identical for all types:

Name Type Description
Label PatternString The label which is displayed to the user.
IconUrl PatternString The URL to the icon which is displayed next to this action.
VisibilityExpression ExpressionString

If left empty, the action will be visible to everybody.

In case the action needs to be visible to specific users only, an expression can be supplied which will be evaluated during the page load process.

For example to check if the specified user is an owner, the extension method IsUserInRole can be used:


BeforeActionJavaScript string If a JavaScript call should be executed before the actual action is executed, it can be specified here.


Roles defined here can be referenced within workspaces types defined in this configuration.

Name Description
Name Specifies name of the role. By this name, the role could be identified within configuration.
Permission Defines permissions set for this role.

The users and groups selected here will automatically be added to the corresponding role during the workspace creation process.

Please note: This is just for the initial creation of the workspace, these users can be added/removed by the owner(s) of the workspace once it has been created.

IsSingle Defines whether the role is restricted to contain only one user.

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