What's New

New concepts - MatchPoint Framework

  • In the case of an Update, the solutions are being fully updated according to Microsoft's best practices. They are uninstalled and installed with the latest version.

  • In the PersonField the second line for each user is displayed with the same information as the ootb people picker displays.

  • The Send mail action is working on SharePoint 2016 environment while TLS is enabled in the mail server settings of SharePoint. If the TLS is enabled on the server but is not installed it will throw an error in the uls.

  • In the Word Template, users can specify linebreaks (\n) within expressions. The linebreaks are reflected in the generated Word document. More details about the functionality can be found here: https://community.matchpoint.social/docu-files/mp/latest-50/Concepts/Office_Template_Engine.html#office-template-engine

  • For a better tracking, the Assembly File Versions have suffered a modification to specify the SharePoint compatibility e.g.: MP 5.x => 2016.x

New concepts - MatchPoint Intranet

  • In the case of an Update, the solutions are being fully updated according to Microsoft's best practices. They are uninstalled and installed with the latest version
  • The Redirect Rule Configuration file from Publishing solution has been moved to the MatchPoint Snow solution as a singleton configuration file. Now, a SharePoint redirect can be configured in Snow by adding a new redirect rule into this configuration. The rule contains a MatchExpression that is evaluated in the entire Snow context. If the expression is evaluated to true, then the user is redirected to the specified TargetUrl. The first rule that is evaluated to True will enable the redirect. To be mentioned: since this is a SharePoint redirect, the Target Url can only be a location within SharePoint.
  • For a better tracking, the Assembly File Versions have suffered a modification to specify the SharePoint compatibility, e.g. MPS 2.x => 2016.x

New concepts - Newsrom Snowflake

  • In the case of an Update, the solutions are being fully updated according to Microsoft's best practices. They are uninstalled and installed with the latest version.

  • For a better tracking, the Assembly File Versions have suffered a modification to specify the SharePoint compatibility e.g.: Newsroom 2.x => 2016.x

New concepts - Publishing Snowflake

  • In the case of an Update, the solutions are being fully updated according to Microsoft's best practices. They are uninstalled and installed with the latest version.

  • For a better tracking, the Assembly File Versions have suffered a modification to specify the SharePoint compatibility e.g.: Publishing 2.x => 2016.x

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