Generic WebPart Page


The Generic Web Part Page is a ASP.Net web page that renders any MatchPoint web part which is stored in the MatchPoint configuration library. This allows you to create custom pages using web parts, without actually physically creating a page. There is no need to create a new file in a Document Library or in the 15 hive. This simplifies and reduces the deployment steps.

The web part configuration file and its configuration type are passed to the generic web part page within the query string.


The Generic WebPart Page is located in the layouts folder. The parameters are passed via the URL query string.


  • ConfigFile: The configuration file parameter contains the file name of the configuration XML located in the MatchPoint configuration library
  • Type: The type parameter specifies the configuration type of the configuration to be opened. The type name can be specified either by using the name of the configuration file type or the fully qualified name: DataGridWebPart vs. Colygon.MatchPoint.Core.WebParts.Data Grid.DataGridWebPart.
    The following values are available:
    • ChartWebPart
    • CompositeWebPart
    • DataGridWebPart
    • FormWebPart
    • ImageTagWebPart
    • RefinementWebPart
    • SearchDefinitionWebPart
    • UserControlWebPart

Please note that the Type-parameter is optional. If it is omitted, FormWebPart will be used as default value.

Sample Usages

This is an example how a data grid web part configuration can be displayed using the generic web part page:



MatchPoint provides a JavaScript function which can be used to open the generic web part page in a dialog window:

$$.Window.OpenWebPartPage('My.DataGrid.xml', 'DataGridWebPart');

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