
Upgrade should be used to update an itsystem version of Publishing Snowflake older or equal than 1.9.7 to a CYCL version equal or newer than 1.10.0.


  • A new license has to be requested from CYCL.
  • All configuration files used by Publishing Snowflake will be lost during the upgrade process! If there are changes that have been done manually in one or more configuration files, make sure to save them before the upgrade so you can merge them afterwards.
  • Upgrade current versions of MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow to their latest versions. Check MatchPoint Installation Guide.
  • Run a “SharePoint 2013 Management Shell” instance as administrator
  • Use one of the following methods:
    • Execute the following command:

Provide the parameters that are required as input

WebApplication, SearchServiceApplication, Owner, AdminSiteRelativeUrl, SnowSiteRelativeUrl, SnowflakeSiteRelativeUrl, TagStoreId, LicenseHolder, LicenseKey

Note: LicenseHolder and Licensekey are optional parameters and can be added later in the Snowflake configuration file.

During the execution of this script a new server.config.xml file will be generated based on the input parameters.

  • Use a config file. The build provides a template “server.config.template.xml”.
    Update all environment specific variables (Also check Server configuration).
    The file can then be used as a parameter in the following Upgrade command
<root>\<drop>\upgrade.ps1 –ServerConfigPath {server.config.xml path)
  1. Reapply MPSComposed looks (see Reapply Composed Looks chapter)
  2. Run the following Timerjob (see Run Timerjobs chapter)
    • MPSnow.Tags.System.xml
    • MPS.Publishing.Tags.System.xml
  3. Additionally – if mentioned in the update-process of the specific version – execute these steps now. The following chapters are not part of an usual update, but might be helpful in certain circumstances!
  4. Modify Visibility of Portal MegaMenu:
    • Open manage MatchPoint Configurations (Ctrl+M)
    • Open MPSnow.Portal.MegaMenu, Chrome, and replace in “Visibility Expression” field “itsPortal” with “MPSPublishing”
    • Example:

Installation Steps

  • If duplicated conditions are visible, those can be removed and keep as described in the above picture.

Detailed description of upgrade operations run by the script

Please note that this section is not a mandatory reading, it only describes in detail each operation performed by the upgrade script.

All operations are executed automatically by the upgrade script.

  1. If there’s no Server Configuration Path provided, a new server.config.xml is created.
  2. WSPBuilder is started executing all the replacements configured in the wspBuilderConfig.
  3. Deletes the Publishing Business Data Connectivity Models
  4. Uninstalls old Publishing and Components SharePoint Features
  5. Removes Pages Content Sources from Search
  6. Removes Publishing persisted object stored in the local Farm
  7. Removes old Publishing and Components configurations.
  8. Removes Publishing related configurations from MPSnow config, MP config, MPSnow Advanced Search config
  9. Removes old wsp solutions
  10. Runs a new Install
  11. Upgrades old workspaces
  12. Updates workspace event receivers
  13. Reapplies MPS Composed look on Workspaces, Snow and Snowflake sites.

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