

  • All configuration files used by Newsroom Snowflake will be lost during the update process! If there are changes that have been done manually in one or more configuration files, make sure to save them before the update so you can merge them afterwards.
  1. Make sure the license for the Newsroom Snowflake is saved and available for you after the update process.
  2. Update MatchPoint and MatchPoint Snow to the latest version
  3. Run a “SharePoint 2019 Management Shell” instance as administrator
  4. Use one of the following methods:
    • Execute the following command:

Provide the parameters that are required as input
WebApplication, SearchServiceApplication, Owner, AdminSiteRelativeUrl, SnowSiteRelativeUrl, SnowflakeSiteRelativeUrl, TagStoreId, LicenseHolder, LicenseKey

Note: LicenseHolder and Licensekey are optional parameters and can be added later in the Snowflake configuration file.

During the execution of this script a new server.config.xml file will be generated based on the input parameters.

  • Use a config file. The build provides a template “server.config.template.xml”. Update all environment specific variables (Also check Server configuration).
    The file can then be used as a parameter in the following Update command
    <root>\<drop>\update.ps1 –ServerConfigPath {server.config.xml file path)
    1. Reapply MPSComposed looks (see Reapply Composed Looks chapter)
    2. Run the following Timerjob (see Run Timerjobs chapter)
    3. MPSnow.Tags.System.xml
    4. Run a Full Crawl on the following Content Sources
    5. Default content source: Local SharePoint sites
    6. Newsroom News Content Source
    7. Newsroom Teaser Content Source
    8. Additionally – if mentioned in the update-process of the specific version – execute these steps now. The following chapters are not part of an usual update, but might be helpful in certain circumstances!

Advanced update scenarios

The update script provided in the installation package calls a Powershell commandlet Update-Snowflake. This cmdlet can be used for an advanced update scenario, and provides the following switch parameters:

Parameter Description Used in standard update
RecreateSnowflakeSite Recreates the Newsroom Snowflake site collection anew. All data is lost if this parameter is used. No
LocalDeploymentOnly SharePoint solutions (.wsp) will be updated using the -Local switch. Should not be used in multi server farms
SkipTimerJobs Skips the execution of timer jobs Yes
ReactivateFeatures Reactivates all features used by the Newsroom Snowflake No
EnsureUserProfileProperties Ensures the user profile properties used by the Newsroom Snowflake exist No
ApplyProvisioningTemplate Provisions the with the appropriate site structure Yes
ExecutePostActions Executes custom post-update scripts Yes
ExecuteUpdateActions Executes custom update scripts Yes
SkipSolutionUpdate Skips the update of the SharePoint solution packages “Colygon.MatchPoint.Snow.Newsroom.wsp” and “Colygon.MatchPoint No
SkipUpdateSnowComposedLook The step Reapply-MPSComposedLook look is skipped

Before updating the Newsroom Snowflake, make sure MatchPoint Snow has been successfully updated to the coresponding version. Please follow the update scenario, as described in this document and if mentioned in the release notes, pass the switch parameters as described in Advanced Update Scenario.

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