Click or drag to resize
RibbonToggleButton Class
Implements functionality for a toggle button displayed within the SharePoint ribbon control.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Colygon.MatchPoint.Common.Ribbon
Assembly: Colygon.MatchPoint (in Colygon.MatchPoint.dll) Version: 2013.11.0.0
public class RibbonToggleButton : RibbonButton

The RibbonToggleButton type exposes the following members.

Public methodRibbonToggleButton
Initializes a new RibbonToggleButton instance.
Public propertyCommandProvider
The RibbonCommandProvider providing functionality for this ribbon element.
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
Public propertyEnabled
Specifies whether the button control is displayed as enabled.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public propertyId
A string that identifies this element, such as "Ribbon.Library.Share.NewRibbonButton".
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
Public propertyParent
Specifies the parent element.
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
Public propertyUniqueId
A string that identifies this element.
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
Public methodAddConnectionDependencies (Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPerformClick
Executes the Click-EventHandler.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToXml
Serializes this ribbon element to XML.
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
Public methodToXml(XmlTextWriter) (Overrides RibbonButtonToXml(XmlTextWriter).)
Protected methodWriteAttributes (Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public eventClick
Specifies the button click event handler.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldActiveScript
Specifies a javascript method that determines whether the button control is displayed as 'toggled' (enabled). The script is expected to return a Boolean value.
Public fieldEnabledExpression
Specifies an expression that determines whether the button control is displayed as enabled. The expression is expected to return a Boolean value.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldEnabledScript
Specifies a JavaScript method that determines whether the button control is displayed as enabled. The script is expected to return a Boolean value.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldIconOffsetLeft
A negative integer that represents an offset for the left edge of the image. Use this attribute when the 'IconUrl' attribute points to an image file that contains the images for many icons. The value is used to set the CSS top attribute for the inline style of an HTML img tag.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldIconOffsetTop
A negative integer that represents an offset for the top edge of the image. Use this attribute when the 'IconUrl' attribute points to an image file that contains the images for many icons. The value is used to set the CSS top attribute for the inline style of an HTML img tag.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldIconUrl
Specifies the URL of an image displayed on the button if it is displayed small. This image should be 16x16 pixels.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldLabel
Specifies the button label.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldLargeIconOffsetLeft
A negative integer that represents an offset for the left edge of the image. Use this attribute when the 'LargeIconUrl' attribute points to an image file that contains the images for many icons. The value is used to set the CSS top attribute for the inline style of an HTML img tag.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldLargeIconOffsetTop
A negative integer that represents an offset for the top edge of the image. Use this attribute when the 'LargeIconUrl' attribute points to an image file that contains the images for many icons. The value is used to set the CSS top attribute for the inline style of an HTML img tag.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldLargeIconUrl
Specifies the URL of an image displayed on the button if it is displayed large. This image should be 32x32 pixels.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldOnClientClick
Specifies the client sided on click behavior.
(Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldSequence
An integer that specifies the order of placement among sibling XML nodes
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
Public fieldTemplateAlias (Inherited from RibbonButton.)
Public fieldVisible
Specifies whether the element is visible.
(Inherited from RibbonElement.)
See Also