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WorkflowConfiguration Class

Specifies a MatchPoint workflow.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Colygon.MatchPoint.WorkflowKit.Configuration
Assembly:  Colygon.MatchPoint (in Colygon.MatchPoint.dll) Version: 2019.2.1.0
public sealed class WorkflowConfiguration : IConfiguration, 

The WorkflowConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public methodWorkflowConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the WorkflowConfiguration class
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetClientScriptHyperLink
Returns the URL to start the workflow on the specified SPListItem and UserTransition.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetStateById
Returns the workflow state with the specified ID.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetWorkflows
Returns the workflows that are defined on the specified MPInstance. If specified, hidden workflows will be returned as well.
Public methodIsUserAdministrator
Returns 'true' if the current user has administrative permissions for the workflow.
Public methodStart(SPListItem, UserTransition, WorkflowVariableCollection)
Starts the workflow on the specified SPListItem, with the specified initial UserTransition and variables.
Public methodStart(SPListItem, WorkflowState, WorkflowVariableCollection)
Starts the workflow on the specified SPListItem, with the specified initial WorkflowState and variables.
Public methodToString (Overrides ObjectToString.)
Public fieldAdministrator
Specifies a group or user that has full rights on the workflow.
Public fieldContextMenuTrigger
Specifies a trigger that starts the workflow based on a context menu.
Public fieldDescription
Specifies a workflow description.
Public fieldEnableMultipleInstances
Specifies whether multiple instances of this workflow can be started on an item at the same time.
Public fieldEnableVersions
If enabled, you can have different versions of this workflow running.
Public fieldHidden
If enabled, the workflow is not visible for users to start manually.
Public fieldId
Contains a GUID that is used to identify the workflow.
Public fieldName
Specifies a workflow name.
Public fieldNewItemTrigger
Specifies a trigger that starts the workflow when a new list item is created.
Public fieldRetentionPeriod
Specifies after how many days stopped workflow instances are deleted (zero to never delete them).
Public fieldStates
Contains the states for the workflow.
Public fieldTagDefinition
Specifies a tag for the workflow that is created for each workflow state and applied to each item running the workflow automatically.
Public fieldTitle
Specifies a workflow title.
Public fieldUpdateItemTrigger
Specifies a trigger that starts the workflow when a list item is updated.
The MatchPoint workflow kit provides an item based workflow engine (implemented as a state machine) with support for MatchPoint functionality, i.e. the expression engine or tagging with MatchPoint tags.
This is a MatchPoint configuration class.
See Also