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TermChoiceField Class

Provides an input field for selecting terms.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Colygon.MatchPoint.Taxonomy
Assembly:  Colygon.MatchPoint (in Colygon.MatchPoint.dll) Version: 2019.2.1.0
public class TermChoiceField : ValidatedDataField

The TermChoiceField type exposes the following members.

Public methodTermChoiceField
Initializes a new instance of the TermChoiceField class
Public propertyDescription
Specifies a description for the field.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public propertyIsHtmlDescription
Specifies whether the description contains HTML markup tags.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public propertyName
Specifies a name for the field. Only alphanumeric characters are allowed in field names. The default value will be used if the given column could not be found on the data source.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public propertyReadOnlyExpression
Specifies whether the field is rendered in read-only mode. The expression is expected to return a Boolean value. The field will be read-only if the expression evaluates to 'true'.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public propertyRequired
Specifies whether this column is required to contain information.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public propertyTitle
Specifies the title of the field.
(Inherited from FormField.)
Public propertyValidator
Validates the user input of a data field.
(Inherited from ValidatedDataField.)
Public propertyVisibilityCondition
Specifies whether this field is visible. An expression can be used to determine the visibility dynamically. This expression is expected to return a Boolean value.
(Inherited from FormField.)
Public propertyWriteMode
Specifies whether the value of this field should be written on the data record. Use 'UseDefaultIfHidden' to write the field's default value if the field is hidden.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public methodAddConnectionDependencies (Inherited from ValidatedDataField.)
Public methodCreateControl(FieldsForm)
Creates a control for thin data field within the specified form.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public methodCreateControl(FieldsForm, Boolean)
Creates a control for this TermChoiceField.
(Overrides FormDataFieldCreateControl(FieldsForm, Boolean).)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetDefaultValue (Overrides FormDataFieldGetDefaultValue.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValue (Overrides FormDataFieldGetValue(IUpdatable).)
Protected methodIsEmpty (Inherited from FormDataField.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodProcessElement (Inherited from FormField.)
Public methodSetValue
Sets the value for the field on the specified item.
(Inherited from FormDataField.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from FormDataField.)
Protected methodValidate (Inherited from ValidatedDataField.)
Public fieldAllowFillInChoices
If enabled, new terms can be created by the user. This setting is only relevant for the ControlType 'Picker'.
Public fieldControlType
Specifies the control used to display the TermChoiceField within the form.
Public fieldDefaultTerms
Specifies the default terms for this field.
Public fieldEnableMultiSelection
Specify whether the field will allow more than one term.
Public fieldId (Inherited from BaseField.)
Public fieldParent
Specifies the term set or the parent term from which the terms are selectable in the choice control. Please note that term sets are only searchable with find on type using the full name of the term set.
Public fieldRecursive
Specifies if only the direct children of the specified parent are selectable or all descendants.
This input field can be used within a FormWebPart or a WorkspaceEditorWebPart.
This is a MatchPoint configuration class.
See Also