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MatchPointConfiguration Class

Specifies general settings for a MatchPoint instance.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Colygon.MatchPoint.Core.Configuration
Assembly:  Colygon.MatchPoint (in Colygon.MatchPoint.dll) Version: 2019.2.1.0
public sealed class MatchPointConfiguration : ISingletonConfiguration, 
	IConfiguration, IConfigurationLifecycle

The MatchPointConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public methodMatchPointConfiguration
Initializes a new instance of the MatchPointConfiguration class
Public propertyStatic memberCurrent
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGet
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public fieldDataItemContextMenus
Contains context menus for items displayed in DataGrid Web Parts within this MatchPoint instance.
Public fieldDisableClientSideExpressions
If checked, the Javascript Method 'ExpressionEvaluator.InvokeMethod' or 'ExpressionEvaluator.Eval' will throw a security exception.
Public fieldDisableDashboard
If checked, the keyboard shortcut to open the manage configuration files form Ctrl+M will be disabled.
Public fieldDisableExpressionConsole
If checked, the expression console is disabled. Otherwise the site administrator can hit Ctrl+E to display the console on any page within this MatchPoint instance.
Public fieldEnable30Compatiblity
Enables compatibility to MatchPoint 3.0.x connection data values.
  • Choice fields always return their values as arrays, even if the choice field is a single value field: "ConnectionData.MyChoiceField" returns a value of type IChoiceItem[].
  • The Form Web Part ignores unknown fields while setting values on the underlying data source.
  • The expression extension methods 'EditFormUrl', 'FileExtension', 'IsDocument' and 'IsListItem' are added for objects of type [!:ISPItem].
  • The expression extensions on objects of type [!:SPListItem] return the raw SharePoint values.
  • The validation value expression variable ('FieldValue') for the TagChoiceField is of type ListT instead of an array of TagChoiceItem.
  • In the WorkspaceTemplateConfiguration the expression variable 'WorkspaceId' can be used to access the current workspace's id. In the 3.1 the expression 'Self.Id' can be used to retrieve the workspace id.
  • In the WorkspaceTemplateConfiguration the expression variable 'FormValues' can be used to access the current workspace instance.
Public fieldEnableWebRoles
Specifies whether role permission groups are created uniquely for every workspace or only per role on the parent site collection of workspaces.
Public fieldExternalAssemblies
Specifies external assemblies which are loaded for MatchPoint. External assemblies can contain custom expression variables, timer jobs, data providers, etc.
Public fieldFavoriteTagSetPublishingGroup
Defines a group of users that is allowed to publish favorite tag sets. Farm administrators are always allowed to publish.
Public fieldStatic memberFileName
Public fieldIconMappings
Contains icon mappings for tags, terms and SharePoint properties within this MatchPoint instance. Additional mappings can be defined. They will be considered while getting the icon-URL of an item and match against a specific property of the item (e.g. content class, crawled content class, file extension, content type).
Public fieldImageScalerSettings
Public fieldLazyLoadCodeMirror
MatchPoint requires Code Mirror for the configuration editor as well as the expression console. Setting this value to true will load the Code Mirror JavaScript files only once required, this increases page load speed. In case Code Mirror is required for custom solutions, set this value to false.
Public fieldListItemEventHandlers
Contains the configuration settings for list item event handlers.
Public fieldLocalWebPartConfigurations
Specifies whether local web part configurations are enabled or not. If 'Restricted' is selected, security-related configuration elements (e.g. RunAsConfiguration) are not permitted in local web part configurations and toggle view is not available in the configuration editor.
Public fieldRegisterJQueryGlobally
If checked, the jQuery version used by MatchPoint (2.2.4) will be registered on the global 'jQuery' and '$' variables. In case you want to use your on jQuery version, uncheck this setting and handle the loading of jQuery yourself. Please note that even though this is supported by jQuery, they do not recommend using multiple jQuery versions on the same page.
Public fieldRunWorkflowsAsCurrentUser
If checked, the item on which the workflow is executed will be opened under the current user, otherwise it will be opened under the System Account.
Public fieldSetupBehaviorsAsync
Specify how MatchPoint should setup the behaviors on the client ($$.SetupBehaviors).
Public fieldSolutionPaths
Each line specifies a path to a custom solution directory. A path needs to be relative to the 'layouts' directory ('<15 Hive>\TEMPLATE\layouts\'. E.g.: 'Acme.Foo.Bar' or 'Acme/Foo.Bar'. MatchPoint automatically includes JavaScript, CSS or ASP.NET user controls (ascx) files if these are located in subfolders named scripts, css or usercontrols.
Public fieldTagCache
Specifies settings for the caching of tags on the front end servers.
Public fieldTagContextMenus
Contains context menus for tags within this MatchPoint instance.
There is exactly one MatchPointConfiguration configuration file per MatchPoint instance.
  • #APIChange 4.0: removed public PeoplePickerSettings PeoplePickerSettings
  • #APIChange 4.0: IConfigurationLifecycle methods are now explicit implemented
This is a MatchPoint configuration class.
See Also