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CreateTaskAction Fields

The CreateTaskAction type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAssignedTo
Specifies whom the new task is assigned to.
Public fieldDescription
Specifies a description for the new task.
Public fieldDueDateExpression
Specifies the due date for the new task.
Public fieldErrorHandler
Specifies an error handling method in case an exception occures during the execution of the action.
(Inherited from BaseAction.)
Public fieldFields
Specifies the initial field values.
(Inherited from CreateListItemAction.)
Public fieldItemIdVariableName
Specifies the name of the variable where the new item ID is stored to.
(Inherited from CreateListItemAction.)
Public fieldListUrlExpression
Specifies the URL of the list the item is added to. This URL can be relative to workflow item's web.
(Inherited from CreateListItemAction.)
Public fieldRunWithElevatedPrivileges
If enabled, the action is executed with elevated privileges.
(Inherited from ElevatedBaseAction.)
Public fieldStartDateExpression
Specifies the start date for the new task.
Public fieldTags
Specifies the new item tags.
(Inherited from CreateListItemAction.)
Public fieldTitle
Specifies the title for the new task
See Also