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SearchDataProvider Fields

The SearchDataProvider type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAllowComplexQueries
If set to false, quotation marks ('"') will be escaped and the query will be treated as a whole. Otherwise the FullTextCondition's input value will be added to the query as it is. This allows users to write raw KQL into the condition: "(Title:Bar* AND Number=42 OR (Foo))". Note: In order to use stemming 'AllowComplexQueries' has to be enabled.
Public fieldCacheExpirationMinutes
Specifies how long the data is cached (in minutes).
Public fieldCacheGranularity
Specifies how the data is cached. Choose 'User' if the query depends on the current user (e.g. user ID in the query or security trimmed data).
Public fieldCacheKey
Specifies the cache key for this data provider.
(Inherited from BaseDataProvider.)
Public fieldEnableStemming
If enabled, full text search stemming is activated (not recommended because this might result in unpredictable results). Stemming does not work if 'AllowComplexQueries' is set to false.
Public fieldLcidExpression
Specifies the language (LCID) to determine which wordbreaker, stemmer, thesaurus, and other language-sensitive components to use in the query.
Public fieldRanking
Specifies the ranking settings used for the search queries.
Public fieldResultSourceExpression
Specifies the result source used by the search query. If the result source is specified using an expression, the expression evaluation type is expected to be the ID or the name of the result source.
Public fieldRowLimit
Specifies a row limit for the search query.
Public fieldShowAlertMeButton
If enabled, an 'Alert me' button will be displayed beneath the grid. This field is valid only within a DataGrid or Composite Web Part configuration.
Public fieldSortFields
Contains fields which should be used to sort the search results.
Public fieldTrimDuplicates
Specifies, whether duplicates are removed before sorting, selecting, and returning result items. Note that if this is set to true it's possible that the native refinement count is wrong.
See Also