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WorkflowDefinition Fields

The WorkflowDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAllowManual
Specifies whether the workflow can be started manually.
Public fieldAssociatedData
The workflow specific XML configuration data.
Public fieldAutoStartChange
Specifies whether the workflow is startet automatically once a list item has changed.
Public fieldAutoStartCreate
Specifies whether the workflow is startet automatically once a new list item is created.
Public fieldHistoryListTitle
The history list associated with the workflow. If the list does not exist, a new one will be created. If this attribute is omitted, a history list with a standard name will be created.
Public fieldName
Specifies a name for the workflow.
Public fieldRequireManageListPermission
Specifies if the workflow requires permissions to manage lists to start it. This attribute is only considered if AllowStartManually is set to 'true'.
Public fieldTaskListTitle
The task list associated with the workflow. If the list does not exist, a new one will be created. If this attribute is omitted, a task list with a standard name will be created.
Public fieldTemplate
Specifies the name of a workflow template that exists in the workflow template gallery of the site.
See Also