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ViewDefinition Fields

The ViewDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public fieldFields
Specifies fields that should be included into the view.
Public fieldIncludeRootFolder
Specifies whether the list root folder is included into this view.
Public fieldIsDefaultView
If enabled, this view is set as default view on the list.
Public fieldIsPersonalView
If enabled, the view is personalized.
Public fieldName
Specifies the file name of the view.
Public fieldPaged
If enabled, the view will be paged.
Public fieldQuery
Specifies the CAML query used to obtain data for the view. The filter, the sort expressions and the grouping are set in the query.
Public fieldRowLimit
Specifies the row limit of the view.
Public fieldScope
Specifies the scope of this view.
Public fieldTitle
Specifies the title of the view.
Public fieldViewData
A CAML string that contains the definition for additional properties associated with the view. This is used for creating a Gantt chart view.
Public fieldViewType
Specifies the type of this view.
See Also