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ModelLookupColumn Fields

The ModelLookupColumn type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCachePreFetchSize
Specifies how many rows of the lookup entity should be added to the cache prior row processing.
Public fieldCaption
Specifies the caption for this column.
(Inherited from BaseColumn.)
Public fieldCellCssClass
Specifies a string which is set in the class-attribute of all td/th-elements of this column.
(Inherited from BaseColumn.)
Public fieldDataField
Specifies the name of the field from the data provider containing the lookup ids.
Public fieldFilterable
If enabled, the user is able to filter the grid with values from this column.
Public fieldId
Specifies a ID used to identify the column within the DataGrid configuration.
(Inherited from BaseColumn.)
Public fieldLookupEntity
Specifies the entity that should be used to resolve the lookup ids.
Public fieldRenderIcon
If enabled, an icon according to the icon mapping will be rendered.
Public fieldRenderLink
If enabled, a link to the display form of the lookup entity will rendered.
Public fieldSortable
If enabled, the user is able to sort the grid by this column.
Public fieldWidth
Specifies the width of the column.
(Inherited from BaseColumn.)
See Also