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ModelDataProvider Fields

The ModelDataProvider type exposes the following members.

Public fieldAddButton
If enabled, an 'Add item' button will be displayed beneath the grid. This field is valid only within a DataGrid or Composite Web Part configuration.
Public fieldCacheExpirationMinutes
Specifies how long the data is cached (in minutes).
Public fieldCacheGranularity
Specifies how the data is cached. Choose 'User' if the query depends on the current user (e.g. user ID in the query or security trimmed data).
Public fieldCacheKey
Specifies the cache key for this data provider.
(Inherited from BaseDataProvider.)
Public fieldEntity
Specifies the entity that should be used to display the records.
Public fieldRowLimit
Specifies a row limit.
Public fieldSortFields
Contains fields which should be used to sort the search results.
See Also