Publishing Snowflake overview

The Publishing Snowflake is a SharePoint based solution developed by CYCL AG.
The solution can be used directly out of the box or can be customized to meet the needs of different customers.
With the Publishing module, you can publish information and make it accessible to all or selected audience segments. The management and business units can describe themselves on publishing pages and provide further documents like regulations or instructions.
Various tools are provided to authors and editors to easily create, translate and manage content. The corporate design is defined in page templates to ensure the look and feel is universal everywhere.

Publishing content types

The Publishing module provides the following content types:
[x] Pages


A page represents a detailed view on various intranet contents. Depending on the layout, pages may be composed of text, visual elements like images and banners, and provide additional context through streams. Documents, related pages, picture gallery, related news are some examples of streams that may enrich the information content on a page.
Readers can visualize pages in different languages, search for content and mark pages as favorite.

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