

The current document provides information regarding the installation process for MatchPoint Snow. Please note that it is assumed that the installation is executed on a SharePoint environment that has been setup according to Microsoft best practices. Please ensure that the environment is prepared accordingly before proceeding with the setup of MatchPoint Snow.

This document is aimed at a technical audience with knowledge regarding basic concepts and architecture of both Microsoft SharePoint and CYCL MatchPoint. For information regarding the installation process of SharePoint or MatchPoint, please refer to the corresponding documentation.

Document Overview

The subsequent chapters of this document provide information on the following topics:

  • Prerequisites describes prerequisites regarding the installation and configuration of Microsoft SharePoint and CYCL MatchPoint as well as supported browsers.
  • Installing MatchPoint Snow provides information on the installation and configuration of MatchPoint Snow.
  • Post Installation Steps describes the post installation steps that need to be executed before MatchPoint Snow can be used on an environment.
  • Updating MatchPoint Snow provides information on upgrading an existing installation of MatchPoint Snow.


The installation package provided with MatchPoint Snow contains scripts to automate the installation for the most part. These scripts are provided "as is" and need to be verified and modified according to the specifications / requirements of the target environment. Within this document, references to specific scripts that support current installation step are marked like this.

Most of the installation steps can also be executed manually. However, there are some modifications that can only be done using PowerShell.

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